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et al.
The abbreviation for et alii (masculine or common gender), et aliae (feminine), et alia (neuter): "and others".

This abbreviation is used primarily in writing to avoid making a long listing. When referring to "and other men", et alii should be used when it is preceded by the name of a male or when it means "and other people" (including both males and females).

If there is a woman's name and a writer wants to have the meaning of "and other women", then he/she may use et aliae.

If a thing (neuter gender) is written and there is a list of other non-masculine and non-feminine items (things) listed, then et alia is considered the proper term for "and other things".

One source said that "educated people" do not pronounce the abbreviateion et al.; instead, it is suggested that it is better to say, "and others" in place of et al. when speaking.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group E (page 3)
Units related to: “et al
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(Latin: nephew; grandson, grandchild; descendant [family member]; nepotism, et al.)
Word Entries at Get Words: “et al
et al., et alii
and others
This entry is located in the following unit: Abbreviations Frequently Encountered (page 2)